Ewa Partum: The Legality of Space
[ Works 1965–2005 ]
Ewa Partum belongs to the first generation of conceptual artists in Poland. In the 1960s and 1970s she ranked among the avant-garde of her country. She sought after a “new reality in art” and considered the “possibilities of thought in painting to be exhausted". For a long time the reception of the artist’s work was hampered by the East-West division. In 1982, after martial law had been imposed in Poland, she left the country and has since lived in Berlin.The 2001 retrospective at Baden Art Association in Karlsruhe tried to make an appraisal of her complete works finally possible. In Poland one faced a similar task: one aimed at casting a retrospective glance at the work of the artist, who has acted between East and West all her life. Büro Kopernikus presents an exhibition that sheds light upon important aspects of her works from 1965 to 2005. The exhibition shows photographs, installations, objects, photo documentaries, and films by the artist.